Dundee Board Games Club

Welcome to the Dundee Board Games Club.
Currently the Dundee Board Games Club is not in operation due to the loss of our Monday night gaming venue. All Board Games related activities are currently run by the Dundee Roleplaying Club until further notice.
You can still arrange games and meetings by using out Dundee Board Games Club Facebook Group or by using our Contact Us page.
Frequently Played Games
Below is a list of just some of the games played at the Dundee Wargames Club. Players are of course welcome to bring whatever games they would like to play along to our club events.
If you would like to run a game and would like players to join in, please head on over to our Facebook page and join our event and post up. You do not need to be a member of the Club to reserve tables in the Board Games Division, but priority could be given to members if they book first.

Settlers of Catan
Ticket to Ride
Dead of Winter


Imperial Settlers